The problem: What do I do with my SEEDPLATE?

Most people now understand that metal seed backups are paramount, as paper burns. The challenge is how to store clear-text secrets? Anyone with physical access could use it and gain complete control of your funds! Encrypted digital backups are great, but they are not discrete and you could be compelled to produce the passphrase.

Enter Seed XOR, a plausibly deniable means of storing secrets in two or more parts that look and behave just like the original secret. One 24 or 12-word seed phrase becomes two or more parts that are also BIP-39 compatible seeds phrases. These should be backed up in your preferred method, metal or otherwise. These parts can be individually loaded with honeypot funds as each one is normal BIP-39 compatible wallet.

This one more solution for your game-theory arsenal.

Q: I'm lazy, can I do this to my Existing Seed?

A:Yes. You can split the words you have from the menu on your existing Coldcard. You could also take any number of existing SEEDPLATES you have already, and combine them to make a new random wallet that is the XOR of their values.

PS: We made a discount bundle for 3x SEEDPLATES + COLDCARD + Industrial MicroSD + Tamper Evident Bags to cover this whole scenario.

Q: Can I continue to restore a SeedXOR after a power interruption?

A:YES. (New in version 5.4.0 mk4 & 1.3.0Q)
You can restore geographically distributed SeedXOR without physically bringing the parts together with the Seed Vault. You can travel the world and collect your XOR parts, add them one by one to the vault, and then reconstruct your seed later directly from the Seed Vault. It is also possible to XOR combine parts and only save intermediary seeds into the Seed Vault. Learn more about Seed Vault and Temporary Seeds here.

SeedXOR and Seed Vault video tutorial

Printable Resources



Bitcoin Magazine: How To Protect Your Bitcoin With Coldcard And Integrated Seed XOR by @econoalchemist

Video by BTCSessions

Video by @KISBitcoin